Meet Our Officers

Lion Brian Woloshin, President
Lion Brian has been a member since 2000, is a 3rd generation Lion and started helping at Lions' events in 1970 with his late Grandfather, Lion Bill Cohen. He has held numerous positions at the District and Multiple District Levels and is the Board Secretary for Arizona Lions Camp Tatiyee.
First Vice President

Lion PDG Arthur C. Downs, Jr. Secretary
Lion PDG Art has been a member since 2005 with his lovely wife Joetta. He is a Past District Governor and has held nearly all club positions. Lion Art's enthusiasm, knowledge, and warmth are a huge part of our club.

Lion Walter Bartlow, Treasurer
Lion Walt has been a member since 2014. He has held many positions at the club and district levels. He is a strong supporter of Lionism and is very much dedicated to service with the club.

Lion PDG Jack Buckles, Membership CHair
Lion Jack has been a member since 1984. He is a Past District Governor and has held most positions at the Club, District, and Multiple District Levels. His friendly, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic attitude make him a natural as our Membership Chair and the head of our Membership Team!

Lion PDG James Syvertsen, Immediate Past President
Lion PDG Jim has been a Lion since 2000 along with his lovely wife Patricia. As a Lion in California he served in many positions including District Governor. As a member of Phoenix Metro, he has served as President for 3 terms. His welcoming and enthusiastic presence make him a welcome part of our Membership Team!
Meet Our Board Of Directors
Lion Patricia Syvertsen, Director
Lion Pat has been a member since 2009 with her husband Lion Jim. She is an enthusiastic and warm presence at all meetings and events.
Lion Cindy Oehler, Director
Lion Cindy became a Lion in 2018. She loves to take part in events and help out wherever possible. She is also our club's expert on cruising and is a great resource.

Lion Pat DeHaan, Director
Lion Pat became a Lion in 1999. As you can see from his photo, he is more than just a Lion, he is also our very own Santa! Pat is a member of a Santa Hall Of Fame, and founder and President of the Positive Network Alliance. Pat's whole life is about service and he brings joy to all club events and meetings.
Lion Stephen Martineau, Director
Lion Steve has been a lion since 1987. He is a great Lion from head to toe. He can be counted on to help whenever possible.
Lion Van Morrison, Director
Lion Van became a Lion in 1981. He has held many positions within the club. Van's cheerful and friendly presence always makes our service better